Full Potential Team Coaching Training

ICF-CCE Approved and Certified by Being at Full Potential

Become a Certified Human Potential Team Coach/Facilitator and support teams and individuals to work and thrive from their FULL POTENTIAL

New dates TBD

This training offers the unique opportunity to become CERTIFIED by Being at Full Potential in both the Human Potential Team and Individual Assessments. Together with an in depth experience of our unique Facilitation Methodology that fosters 'Doing from Being' this will equip you with what you need to best serve the Teams you work with, also in an online and hybrid setting



Bringing a TEAM and its members to unfold their FULL POTENTIAL is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It is also a challenge. How a team functions has a direct impact on individual and collective performance, motivation, creativity, well-being, resilience and so much more.

Now more then ever, there is an increasing need to foster a Full Potential TEAM culture that supports accessing and harnessing the Human Potential of the team as a whole, be it in an online, hybrid or live setting.



At the end of the 5 days training:


  • You will have expanded your expertise and effectiveness in supporting a Team and its members to grow and bring the best of themselves to work.
  • You will have acquired a ‘DOOR OPENER’ in the form of a comprehensive assessment and facilitation package to powerfully support the Teams you work with on a Being level
  • You will have a deep understanding of the 5 Full Potential TEAM MEASURES, know how to design the flow of a Human Potential Team DISCOVERY workshop for online, blended and live settings and facilitate powerful conversations
  • You will have learned how to debrief and work with the data of the Team Assessment and the Individual Assessment
  • You will have gained confidence and full proficiency in CREATING and FACILITATING Team development programs and road maps with transformational impact
  • You will have acquired concrete formats, tools, exercises and practices to tailor your interventions to the needs of the Team
  • You will have discovered your unique style of creating a BEING space


The Full Potential TEAM ASSESSMENT measures the 5 mindsets that characterize a FULL POTENTIAL TEAM. The Human Potential INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT measures the untapped Human Potential of an individual according to 4 BEING States and 23 Dimensions. Together these cover the essential aspects of our inherent Human Potential.

For whom

Are you a coach, facilitator, consultant, leader, manager or HR professional, and interested in a proven method to transform Team performance and bring the inherent FULL POTENTIAL and WellBeing of any Team to life? Then this program may be exactly what you have been looking for! 

Why the FULL POTENTIAL TEAM COACHING TRAINING will benefit your team, your clients and customers


The Team is the molecular unit where employees work together around a common task, where innovative ideas are conceived and tested, and where bottom-line results are achieved. It is also the space where unclear group goals, ineffective ways of working and interpersonal issues can cause friction and hinder productivity. In this ever changing and uncertain world that now for the most part has gone virtual, growing from a (moderately) effective team into a FULL POTENTIAL Team will be key for any team in delivering value to its customers and maintaining its cutting edge. 

To accompany a team on a collective journey to access more of their Full Team Potential, requires a deep insight in what it takes for a team to grow from average/good to great. We will create a BEING space in which we will immerse ourselves in the 5 Full Potential Team Measures and other frameworks, learn from real case studies and work experientially with individual and team data. Prior to the training all participants will be invited to experience the Human Potential Team and Individual Assessment Tools online.





Annelieke Verkerk

Annelieke Verkerk has a keen eye for Human Potential and the untapped potential of teams and organizations. She is passionate about furthering self-leadership, team collaboration and sustainable culture change. Through enhancing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intelligence, awareness about the system dynamics that are at play and about one’s place and role in the greater scheme of things, clarity and purpose emerges. 15 years with Dutch governmental organizations in staff and leadership positions, as well as 15+ years of consultancy, coaching and training education and experience, working with leaders, politicians, teams and organizations. Initiated and co-created the Full Potential Team Facilitation Training. Created programs on leadership, system dynamics and constellation work, team- and organizational development. Loves dancing, also with the paradoxes of life.

Harmen van Dijk

Harmen van Dijk believes in focusing on Human Potential development for transformation in organizations as well as the power of rituals, nature and symbolism to support transformational conversations and Doing from Being. A first career as a Dutch diplomat in Latin America and Europe for 10+ years, he has meanwhile worked as a coach, trainer and facilitator for 5+ years with individuals, groups and teams. Initiated and co-created various pioneering programs on organizational transformation, coaching, men’s work and self-leadership, a.o. in nature.


This training is approved by the International Coaching Federation ICF for 20 units in the area of Core Competencies and for 15 units in Resource Development.


The training will be facilitated online through Zoom.


Participation fee

  • EURO 1795,- (VAT excluded) per person. Participants joining from India: EURO 995,- (local taxes excluded)
  • Early bird before April 7th, 2021: EURO 1495,- (VAT excluded). Participants joining from India: EURO 845,- (local taxes excluded)

For questions please contact us through e-mail or leave a message:

Annelieke Verkerk at annelieke@beingatfullpotential.com or
Harmen van Dijk at harmen@beingatfullpotential.com


opens on April 8th, 2021

THRIVING VIRTUAL TEAMS supports leaders, teams and organizations in the business, non-profit, political and humanitarian arena. Not just to survive, but to sustainably thrive in a changing world by being able to navigate and innovate in uncertainty and complexity and regenerate our ‘Doing from Being’, also in an online or hybrid setting.
We focus on unleashing Human Potential, harnessing Culture Change and facilitating Powerful Conversations. Thus creating conditions for Self-Leadership, Innovation and Transformation, while also harnessing the WellBeing of leaders and teams.

Furthermore, we co-create and facilitate Certification trainings with Being at Full Potential and mentor Human Potential and Team coaches at the Being at Full Potential Academy.

THRIVING VIRTUAL TEAMS is an initiative of Annelieke Verkerk and Harmen van Dijk. To show up as a trusted partner on your journey is our commitment.

BEING at Full Potential is a global assessment, training and coaching organization committed to unlocking Human Potential by bringing the attention back to the essence of  WHO WE ARE and WHY WE ARE HERE. Our global community of 150+ trained and certified coaches and consultants help bring this vision to life.
We bring into the world an array of tools, frameworks and methodologies that put our incredible Human Potential at the center in order to enable breakthroughs at all levels of society: individuals, communities, teams, organizations and even nations.

If you want to be inspired and learn more about our thought-leadership in Human Potential development and our other Certification trainings, you can check out our website 

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